The crazy flu struck my home a few days before the boutique and I was "hit"
hard with the chills, aches, head ache pain enough to shoot rockets off and
coughing that has endured all 7 days.It is always a surprise when hiking in
the hills of California feeling that I could run forever is reduced in just a quick plane trip and 10 hours to a feverish lump, with no audible voice or energy to even think about getting dressed. And the fact that the lump coughs constantly-oh, except when sneezing 15 times before the next cough starts.
Today there is light at the end of long gray tunnel-calm breathing and a "desire" to make a list. The list making might just put me under, but again, it means I am making the climb back to reality. My arsenal of help included, lemon, ginger, cinnamon and honey tea, endless teas from my homegrown herbs, essential oil rubs, a healthy supply of "soft" tissue, Boo Boo applied to my raw nose and lips, hot baths and a great deal of sleep. The trump on my end was a Priesthood blessing and with that blessing I could feel my body respond and gradually heal.
Contemplating what I could do for others in this same condition I have had the same sentence playing over and over in my head, "Even as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me." There are always neighbors, friends and family that need a positive word of encouragement, a note or cherie phone call. I hope I will not keep my life too busy to respond to others needs.